When we started to evaluate the possibilities that would have a children’s saving app, we had to understand thoroughly how the saving behavior in the children works. To do this, we fully got into the investigation subject and from there arose really interesting aspects.

The saving, as a concept, starts from an initial differentiation between the now and the later, between the present and the future. That what seems so simple to the naked eye, is not so much so. It takes its process. It implies use of executive functions, located in the frontal lobe, which allow exercise control over our actions and among other things, our temptations.
To save is to put the future before to the now. Something so simple to use as a piggy bank to introduce coins or bank bills there implies to manage temptations and give them a turn. The littlest one deal with these temptations through behaviors, hiding the coins, putting them into bags or drawers out of their reach. The older kids carry out the same, but with more cognitive way, through their thoughts. They seek to think about other things to not tempt themselves or to make ‘invisible’ the money by giving them to their parents so they can take care of it.
Clinkky seeks to be a useful help for the child and his parents in the savings world. Our task is to turn the saving into a valuable digital experience, able to merge the better of the analogic world with the new possibilities that bring the digital universe.